Well, we arrived safe and sound in Nigeria. The flight was great. There were no big problems. Our luggage arrived safely.
We are now in Lagos, the largest city in Nigeria – about 8 million. We will spend the night before our journey to Owerri tomorrow. It amazes me to see adjacent to the International airport a huge mosque and a huge church building side by side. It is a reminder of the great division that exists here.
Lagos Airport |
Arriving in the daylight hours was great. There were also not as many people lined up just outside the barricade (many wanting to “help” you). Dr. Okere did his usual excellent job of getting all his sheep and their equipment through the gauntlet of customs.
The hotel is very comfortable with the usual electricity outages about every 45 minutes. A good flashlight is indispensable – not that having a flashlight or twelve is important. We had a nice meal and now everyone else is probably asleep. I will be too – very shortly. But, I have an internet connection from a wireless nearby, so I am writing while I can.
I prayed over the hotel and asked God for protection for our team. I feel at peace right now. But I must ask you to pray with us about one important thing. God has shown us that we must prepare for something different on this mission. I’m not sure what that is. Ask Him to speak clearly to us all. You are part of the team. Your prayers open and shut doors. So, let’s be vigilant in our prayer.
We love you and thank God for you!
In the name of Yeshua, God, I ask that as the team awakens in Lagose this morning and prepares for the next leg of the journey that You will order their footsteps. Make straight the path before them and send Your ministering and war-ing angels ahead to clear the way as they travel to Owerri. Release to Dusty and the team a greater measure of the spirit of wisdom and Revelation that the eyes of their understanding would be enlightened to recognize and respond in Your love, power, and Spirit to the "something different" on this mission. Prepare their hearts for the divine adventure you have awaiting them and keep them in perfect peace. Increase their awareness and understanding that You and You alone are their strength and portion. Grant them rest in their bodies and clarity to their minds. Overcome any jetlag by Your power Lord. I ask, Abba, in the Name of Yeshua, that Your name be glorified in the thoughts, actions, and words spoken by the members of this team and they would be a bright and shining lamp of Your presence in Nigeria. I bless Dusty, Dr. Okere, and each member of the team in the Name of Yeshua.
ReplyDeleteIn the Name of yeshua, I ask You, God to give your Ramah word to Brother Dusty as he speaks today. Pour out Your Spirit in the midst of the people and those who will participate in the marriage renewal. Release a greater measure of Your love and knit their hearts together in that love. May Your name be glorified. Then, Abba, send Your guardian and ministering angels to clear the way to Akpa Ibom. Be Jehovah Raphe as they set up the medical clinic. I am asking for the lame to walk, blind eyes to be opened, those with internal issues to be supernaturally healed. I am asking that you administer your healing miraculously and also thru the loving hands of Dr. Okere and each member of the team...whether physical healing, emotional or spiritual. Cover each member of the team in the blood of Yeshua Ha Massiach and unfurl Your banner over them as they share the love of Christ and the hope of Your glory with the people of Nigeria. Heal, deliver and save today in the Name of Yeshua I pray.